View Javadoc

1   /*
2    *  $Id:,v 1.17 2004/08/03 12:27:16 roku Exp $ 
3    *
4    *  Copyright 2004 University of Hannover
5    *
6    *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7    *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8    *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   *  limitations under the License.
17   */
19  package olr.presentation;
21  import java.util.Iterator;
22  import java.util.List;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
30  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
31  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement;
32  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement;
33  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement;
35  import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.ClientPageRedirectException;
36  import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.HttpPresentationException;
38  /*** 
39   * @version $Id:,v 1.17 2004/08/03 12:27:16 roku Exp $
40   */
41  public class Welcome2 extends SecureHttpPresentation {
42      /*** 
43       * Initializes an instance of this class.
44       */
45      public Welcome2() {}
47      /*** 
48       * @see olr.presentation.ExtendedHttpPresentation#handleDefault()
49       */
50      public String handleDefault() throws HttpPresentationException {
52          if(getSessionData().isStarted())
53              throw new ClientPageRedirectException("ContentFrame.po");
54          else
55              return showPage();
56      }
58      /***
59       * Handles the Admin event.
60       * @return (X)HTML of the Admin screen.
61       * @throws HttpPresentationException
62       */
63      public String handleAuthor() throws HttpPresentationException {
65          return showPage(true);
66      }
68      /***
69       * Displays the OLR adminstration main page.
70       * @return
71       * @throws HttpPresentationException
72       */
73      public String handleAdmin() throws HttpPresentationException {
74          AdminHTML adminScreen = new AdminHTML();
76          return adminScreen.toDocument();
77      }
79      /***
80       * Displays the start page for readers.
81       * @return
82       * @throws HttpPresentationException
83       */
84      public String handleReader() throws HttpPresentationException {
85          return showPage(false);
86      }
88      public String handleStart() throws HttpPresentationException {
89          try
90          {
91              final String mode = getComms().request.getParameter("mode");
92              final String model = getComms().request.getParameter("model");
93              final String newModelTitle = getComms().request.getParameter("newModelTitle");
94              final String course = getComms().request.getParameter("course");
95              final String interfaceType = getComms().request.getParameter("interface");
96              if(mode == null)
97                  throw new ClientPageRedirectException("Welcome1.po");
98              final boolean isAuthor = mode.equalsIgnoreCase("author");
99              int modelID = -1;
100             if(isAuthor)
101             {
102                 if(model == null)
103                 {
104                     String s = showPage("Please select a model!");
105                     return s;
106                 }
107             } else
108             {
109                 if(interfaceType == null)
110                 {
111                     return showPage("Please select an interface type!");
112                 }
113                 if(course == null)
114                 {
115                     return showPage("Please select a course!");
116                 }
117             }
118             if(model != null)
119             {
120                 if(model.equalsIgnoreCase("newModel"))
121                 {
122                     if(!isAuthor)
123                     {
124                         return showPage("Only authors are allowed to create new courses!");
125                     }
126                     if(newModelTitle == null || newModelTitle.length() <= 0)
127                     {
128                         return showPage("Please enter a title for the new course!");
129                     }
130                     modelID = ModelPeer.addNewModel(newModelTitle, getUser(), true);
131                 } 
132                 else {
133                     modelID = Integer.parseInt(model);
134                     if(ModelPeer.getModelOwner(modelID) == getUser().getId())
135                     {
136                         getSessionData().setROM(false);
137                     }
138                     else{
139                         getSessionData().setROM(true);
140                     }
141                 }
142             }
143             else {
144                 modelID = CoursePeer.getModelIDForCourse(course);
145             }
146             getSessionData().start(ModelPeer.retrieveByPK(modelID), course, isAuthor, interfaceType);
148             if(getSessionData().isLockedBy() != null)
149                 throw new ClientPageRedirectException("Locked.po?lockedBy=".concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(getSessionData().isLockedBy()))));
150         }
151         catch(Exception e) {
152             Logger.getLogger(getClass()).error(e);
153             throw new HttpPresentationException(e);
154         }
155         throw new ClientPageRedirectException("ContentFrame.po");
156     }
158     /*** 
159      * @return showPage(null)
160      * @see #showPage(String)
161      */
162     public String showPage() {
163         return showPage(((String) (null)));
164     }
166     /***
167      * Shows this page in reader mode.
168      * An optional error message is diplayed.
169      * @param errorMsg Optional error message to display.
170      * @return
171      */
172     public String showPage(String errorMsg) {
174         boolean author = false;
175         try
176         {
177             String mode = getComms().request.getParameter("mode");
178             if(mode != null)
179                 author = mode.compareToIgnoreCase("Author") == 0;
180         }
181         catch(Exception e)
182         {
183             e.printStackTrace();
184         }
185         return showPage(errorMsg, author);
186     }
188     /***
189      * Shows this page in athor mode without any error message.
190      * @param author
191      * @return
192      * @see #showPage(String, boolean)
193      */
194     public String showPage(boolean author)
195     {
196         return showPage(null, author);
197     }
199     /*** 
200      * @param errorMsg An optional error message to dispaly. May be <code>null</code>. 
201      * @param author Weahter the current user is an author or not.
202      * @return
203      */
204     public String showPage(String errorMsg, boolean author)
205     {
206         final RdfUser user = getUser();
207         HTMLTableElement table;
208         int modelID = -1;
209         if(author)
210         {
211             Welcome2AuthorHTML page = new Welcome2AuthorHTML();
212             page.setTextErrorText(errorMsg != null ? errorMsg : "");
213             table = page.getElementTable();
214             HTMLTableRowElement modelModifyRow = page.getElementModelModifyRow();
215             HTMLTableRowElement modelReadRow = page.getElementModelReadRow();
216             HTMLTableRowElement newModelRow = page.getElementNewModelRow();
217             HTMLInputElement modelToModifyButton = page.getElementModel();
218             HTMLInputElement modelToReadButton = page.getElementReadModel();
219             List models = ModelPeer.getAllModels();
220             Iterator it = models.iterator();
221             do
222             {
223                 if(!it.hasNext())
224                     break;
225                 Model model = (Model);
226                 if(model.getName() != null && model.getName().length() > 0)
227                 {
228                     if(ModelPeer.getModelOwner(model.getId()) == getUser().getId())
229                     {
230                         page.setTextModelModifyTitle(model.getName());
231                         modelToModifyButton.setValue("".concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(model.getId()))));
232                         table.insertBefore(modelModifyRow.cloneNode(true), modelReadRow);
233                     }
234                     else
235                     {
236                         page.setTextModelReadTitle(model.getName());
237                         modelToReadButton.setValue("".concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(model.getId()))));
238                         table.insertBefore(modelReadRow.cloneNode(true), newModelRow);
239                     }
240                 }
241             } while(true);
242             modelModifyRow.getParentNode().removeChild(modelModifyRow);
243             modelReadRow.getParentNode().removeChild(modelReadRow);
244             return page.toDocument();
245         }
246         Welcome2ReaderHTML page = new Welcome2ReaderHTML();
247         page.setTextErrorText(errorMsg != null ? errorMsg : "");
248         table = page.getElementTable();
249         HTMLTableRowElement courseRow = page.getElementCourseRow();
250         HTMLInputElement courseButton = page.getElementCourse();
251         List courses = CoursePeer.getAllCourses();
252         Iterator it = courses.iterator();
253         do
254         {
255             if(!it.hasNext())
256                 break;
257             Course course = (Course);
258             if(course.getName() != null && course.getName().length() > 0)
259             {
260                 page.setTextCourseTitle(course.getName());
261                 courseButton.setValue(course.getCourse());
262                 table.insertBefore(courseRow.cloneNode(true), courseRow);
263             }
264         } while(true);
265         courseRow.getParentNode().removeChild(courseRow);
266         return page.toDocument();
267     }
268 }