View Javadoc

1   /*
2    *  Copyright 2004 University of Hannover
3    *
4    *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   *  limitations under the License.
15   */
17  package olr.presentation;
19  import java.util.Iterator;
21  import olr.rdf.Attribute;
22  import olr.rdf.OLR3Definitions;
23  import olr.rdf.Resource;
24  import olr.rdf.Tools;
25  import olr.statementpool.DBStatement;
26  import olr.statementpool.ExtStatement;
28  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
29  import org.w3c.dom.Node;
30  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement;
31  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement;
32  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement;
33  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement;
35  import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.HttpPresentationException;
37  /***
38   * @version $Id:,v 1.12 2004/08/02 18:46:20 roku Exp $
39   */
40  public class Activities extends SecureHttpPresentation {
41      public String handleDefault() {
42          return showPage();
43      }
45      public String handleAddKeywordMode() {
46          return showPage(1);
47      }
49      public String handleAddDescriptionMode() {
50          return showPage(2);
51      }
53      public String handleAddBookmarkMode() {
54          return showPage(3);
55      }
57      public String handleAddKeyword() throws HttpPresentationException {
58          return addItem(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_KEYWORD);
59      }
61      public String handleAddDescription() throws HttpPresentationException {
62          return addItem(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_DESCRIPTION);
63      }
65      public String handleAddBookmark() throws HttpPresentationException {
66          return addItem(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_BOOKMARK);
67      }
69      private String addItem(String predicate) throws HttpPresentationException {
70          try {
71              String subject = getAboutURI();
72              String object = getComms().request.getParameter("newItem");
73              String typ = getComms().request.getParameter("typ");
74              if (subject != null && object != null && typ != null && object.length() > 0) {
75                  ExtStatement statement = new ExtStatement(subject, predicate, object);
76                  statement.setPublic(typ.equals("public"));
77                  DBStatement dbStatement = getSessionData().getStatementPool().saveStatementToDB(
78                          statement);
79                  getSessionData()
80                          .getStatementPool()
81                          .addStatement(
82                                  ((olr.rdf.Statement) (dbStatement != null ? ((olr.rdf.Statement) (dbStatement))
83                                          : ((olr.rdf.Statement) (statement)))));
84              }
85          } catch (Exception e) {
86              e.printStackTrace();
87          }
88          return showPage();
89      }
91      public String handleRemoveKeyword() throws HttpPresentationException {
92          return removeItem(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_KEYWORD);
93      }
95      public String handleRemoveDescription() throws HttpPresentationException {
96          return removeItem(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_DESCRIPTION);
97      }
99      public String handleRemoveBookmark() throws HttpPresentationException {
100         return removeItem(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_BOOKMARK);
101     }
103     private String removeItem(String predicate) throws HttpPresentationException {
104         try {
105             String subject = getAboutURI();
106             String nr = getComms().request.getParameter("nr");
107             if (subject != null && nr != null) {
108                 Attribute attribute = (Attribute) getSessionData().getStatementPool()
109                         .getSpecificAttributesAbout(subject, predicate).get(Integer.parseInt(nr));
110                 boolean canDelete = false;
111                 if (attribute instanceof DBStatement)
112                     canDelete = getSessionData().getStatementPool().removeStatementOfUserFromDB(
113                             (DBStatement) attribute);
114                 else
115                     canDelete = true;
116                 if (canDelete)
117                     getSessionData().getStatementPool().removeAttributeAbout(subject, attribute);
118             }
119         } catch (Exception e) {
120             Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).error(e);
121             throw new HttpPresentationException(e);
122         }
123         return showPage();
124     }
126     public String showPage() {
127         return showPage(0);
128     }
130     public String showPage(int mode) {
131         ActivitiesHTML page = new ActivitiesHTML();
132         HTMLTableRowElement keywordRow = page.getElementKeywordRow();
133         HTMLElement keyword = page.getElementKeyword();
134         HTMLAnchorElement keywordRemove = page.getElementRemoveKeywordLink();
135         HTMLAnchorElement keywordAdd = page.getElementAddKeywordLink();
136         HTMLAnchorElement related = page.getElementRelatedLink();
137         HTMLTableRowElement relatedRow = page.getElementRelatedRow();
138         HTMLTableRowElement descriptionRow = page.getElementDescriptionRow();
139         HTMLElement description = page.getElementDescription();
140         HTMLAnchorElement descriptionRemove = page.getElementRemoveDescriptionLink();
141         HTMLAnchorElement descriptionAdd = page.getElementAddDescriptionLink();
142         HTMLTableRowElement bookmarkRow = page.getElementBookmarkRow();
143         HTMLAnchorElement bookmark = page.getElementBookmark();
144         HTMLAnchorElement bookmarkRemove = page.getElementRemoveBookmarkLink();
145         HTMLAnchorElement bookmarkAdd = page.getElementAddBookmarkLink();
146         HTMLTableRowElement addKeywordRow = page.getElementAddKeywordRow();
147         HTMLTableRowElement addDescriptionRow = page.getElementAddDescriptionRow();
148         HTMLTableRowElement addBookmarkRow = page.getElementAddBookmarkRow();
149         HTMLInputElement aboutURIItem = page.getElementAboutURI();
150         String aboutURI = getAboutURI();
151         Resource subject = null;
152         if (aboutURI != null)
153             subject = getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResource(aboutURI);
154         if (subject != null)
155             try {
156                 aboutURIItem.setValue(Tools.URItoID(aboutURI));
157                 keywordAdd.setHref("Activities.po?event=addKeywordMode&aboutURI=".concat(String
158                         .valueOf(String.valueOf(Tools.URItoID(aboutURI)))));
159                 descriptionAdd.setHref("Activities.po?event=addDescriptionMode&aboutURI="
160                         .concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(Tools.URItoID(aboutURI)))));
161                 bookmarkAdd.setHref("Activities.po?event=addBookmarkMode&aboutURI=".concat(String
162                         .valueOf(String.valueOf(Tools.URItoID(aboutURI)))));
163                 if (mode != 1)
164                     addKeywordRow.getParentNode().removeChild(addKeywordRow);
165                 if (mode != 2)
166                     addDescriptionRow.getParentNode().removeChild(addDescriptionRow);
167                 if (mode != 3)
168                     addBookmarkRow.getParentNode().removeChild(addBookmarkRow);
169                 Node parent = keywordRow.getParentNode();
170                 int n = 0;
171                 Iterator it;
172                 for (it = subject.getAttributes(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_KEYWORD).iterator(); it
173                         .hasNext(); parent.insertBefore(keywordRow.cloneNode(true), keywordRow)) {
174                     Attribute attribute = (Attribute);
175                     page.setTextKeyword(attribute.getObject());
176                     keywordRemove.setHref(String.valueOf(String.valueOf((new StringBuffer(
177                             "Activities.po?event=removeKeyword&aboutURI=")).append(
178                             Tools.URItoID(aboutURI)).append("&nr=").append(n++))));
179                 }
181                 parent.removeChild(keywordRow);
182                 parent = relatedRow.getParentNode();
183                 it = getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResourcesHavingKeyword(
184                         subject.getObjects(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_KEYWORD)).iterator();
185                 do {
186                     if (!it.hasNext())
187                         break;
188                     String uri =;
189                     Resource relatedObj = getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResource(uri);
190                     if (relatedObj != null && !uri.equals(aboutURI)) {
191                         page.setTextRelatedLink(relatedObj.getTitle());
192                         related.setHref("Content.po?aboutURI=".concat(String.valueOf(String
193                                 .valueOf(Tools.URItoID(relatedObj.getURI())))));
194                         parent.insertBefore(relatedRow.cloneNode(true), relatedRow);
195                     }
196                 } while (true);
197                 parent.removeChild(relatedRow);
198                 parent = descriptionRow.getParentNode();
199                 n = 0;
200                 for (it = subject.getAttributes(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_DESCRIPTION).iterator(); it
201                         .hasNext(); parent.insertBefore(descriptionRow.cloneNode(true),
202                         descriptionRow)) {
203                     Attribute attribute = (Attribute);
204                     page.setTextDescription(attribute.getObject());
205                     descriptionRemove.setHref(String.valueOf(String.valueOf((new StringBuffer(
206                             "Activities.po?event=removeDescription&aboutURI=")).append(
207                             Tools.URItoID(aboutURI)).append("&nr=").append(n++))));
208                 }
210                 parent.removeChild(descriptionRow);
211                 parent = bookmarkRow.getParentNode();
212                 n = 0;
213                 for (it = subject.getAttributes(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_BOOKMARK).iterator(); it
214                         .hasNext(); parent.insertBefore(bookmarkRow.cloneNode(true), bookmarkRow)) {
215                     Attribute attribute = (Attribute);
216                     String uri = attribute.getObject();
217                     Resource bookmarkObj = getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResource(uri);
218                     if (bookmarkObj != null) {
219                         page.setTextBookmark(bookmarkObj.getTitle());
220                         bookmark.setHref("Content.po?aboutURI=".concat(String.valueOf(String
221                                 .valueOf(Tools.URItoID(uri)))));
222                     } else {
223                         page.setTextBookmark(uri);
224                         bookmark.setHref(uri);
225                     }
226                     bookmarkRemove.setHref(String.valueOf(String.valueOf((new StringBuffer(
227                             "Activities.po?event=removeBookmark&aboutURI=")).append(
228                             Tools.URItoID(aboutURI)).append("&nr=").append(n++))));
229                 }
231                 parent.removeChild(bookmarkRow);
232             } catch (Exception e) {
233                 e.printStackTrace();
234             }
235         return page.toDocument();
236     }
238     private String getAboutURI() {
239         try {
240             String aboutURI = getComms().request.getParameter("aboutURI");
241             if (aboutURI != null) {
242                 String s = Tools.IDtoURI(aboutURI);
243                 return s;
244             }
245         } catch (Exception e) {
246             e.printStackTrace();
247         }
248         return null;
249     }
251     private final String THIS_HTML = "Activities.po";
253     private final int DEFAULT_MODE = 0;
255     private final int ADD_KEYWORD_MODE = 1;
257     private final int ADD_DESCRIPTION_MODE = 2;
259     private final int ADD_BOOKMARK_MODE = 3;
260 }