View Javadoc

1   /*
2    *  Copyright 2004 University of Hannover
3    *
4    *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   *  limitations under the License.
15   */
17  package olr.presentation;
19  import java.util.ArrayList;
20  import java.util.Enumeration;
21  import java.util.List;
23  import olr.SessionData;
24  import olr.content.ContentAttribute;
25  import olr.content.ContentModel;
26  import olr.rdf.Attribute;
27  import olr.rdf.Definitions;
28  import olr.rdf.OLR3Definitions;
29  import olr.rdf.Resource;
30  import olr.rdf.Tools;
32  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement;
33  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLBodyElement;
34  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElement;
35  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFormElement;
36  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement;
37  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement;
38  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLInputElement;
39  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLOptionElement;
40  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLSelectElement;
41  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableElement;
42  import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableRowElement;
44  import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.ClientPageRedirectException;
45  import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.HttpPresentationException;
46  import com.lutris.appserver.server.httpPresentation.HttpPresentationRequest;
48  /***
49   * @version $Id:,v 1.8 2004/08/03 08:33:53 roku Exp $
50   */
51  public class ContentAuthor extends SecureHttpPresentation {
52      /*** 
53       * Initializes an instance of this class.
54       */
55      public ContentAuthor() {
56          contentModel = null;
57          internal = false;
58          sequenceSet = false;
59      }
61      private String getLink() {
62          return getLink("");
63      }
65      private String getLink(String additions) {
66          String id = "ContentAuthor.po";
67          boolean first = true;
68          if (contentModel != null) {
69              id = String.valueOf(id) + String.valueOf(first ? "?" : "&");
70              first = false;
71              id = String.valueOf(id)
72                      + String.valueOf("aboutURI=".concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(Tools
73                              .URItoID(contentModel.getAboutURI())))));
74          }
75          if (internal) {
76              id = String.valueOf(id) + String.valueOf(first ? "?" : "&");
77              first = false;
78              id = String.valueOf(String.valueOf(id)).concat("internal=true");
79          }
80          if (additions.length() > 0) {
81              id = String.valueOf(id) + String.valueOf(first ? "?" : "&");
82              first = false;
83              id = String.valueOf(id) + String.valueOf(additions);
84          }
85          return id;
86      }
88      public String handleSet() throws HttpPresentationException {
89          getSessionData().setChanged(true);
90          sequenceSet = false;
91          HttpPresentationRequest request = getComms().request;
92          try {
93              setContentModel();
94              String parameter;
95              String value;
96              for (Enumeration parameters = request.getParameterNames(); parameters.hasMoreElements(); setAttributeValue(
97                      parameter, value)) {
98                  parameter = (String) parameters.nextElement();
99                  value = request.getParameter(parameter);
100             }
101         } catch (Exception e) {
102             e.printStackTrace();
103         }
104         return showPage(true);
105     }
107     private void setAttributeValue(String parameter, String value) {
108         try {
109             if (parameter == null || value == null)
110                 return;
111             int p = parameter.indexOf('_');
112             if (p < 0)
113                 return;
114             if (contentModel == null)
115                 return;
116             int index = Integer.parseInt(parameter.substring(p + 1));
117             ContentAttribute attrib = (ContentAttribute) contentModel.getContentAttributes().get(
118                     index);
119             if (attrib == null)
120                 return;
121             if (parameter.startsWith("sortItem-")) {
122                 addSequenceElements(attrib);
123             } else if (parameter.startsWith("entryfield_")) {
124                 attrib.setValue(value);
125             } else if (parameter.startsWith("listitem_"))
126                 attrib.setOptionNo(Integer.parseInt(value));
127             else if (parameter.startsWith("listitem2_")) {
128                 String choice = getComms().request.getParameter("choice_".concat(String
129                         .valueOf(String.valueOf(index))));
130                 if (choice != null && choice.equals("select"))
131                     attrib.setOptionNo(Integer.parseInt(value));
132             } else if (parameter.startsWith("selectClass_")) {
133                 String choice = getComms().request.getParameter("choice_".concat(String
134                         .valueOf(String.valueOf(index))));
135                 if (choice != null && choice.equals("create")) {
136                     attrib.createInstanceNo(Integer.parseInt(value));
137                 }
138             } else if (parameter.startsWith("literal_")) {
139                 String choice = getComms().request.getParameter("choice_".concat(String
140                         .valueOf(String.valueOf(index))));
141                 if (choice != null && choice.equals("literal"))
142                     attrib.setValue(value);
143             }
144             attrib.refresh();
145         } catch (Exception exception) {
146         }
147     }
149     private void addSequenceElements(ContentAttribute attrib) throws HttpPresentationException {
150         HttpPresentationRequest request = getComms().request;
151         try {
152             if (sequenceSet)
153                 return;
154             attrib.setValue(SessionData.getCurrentSession().getStatementPool().createInstanceOf(
155                     Definitions.getHomeNamespace(), Definitions.RDF_SEQ));
156             List si = createSeqItems();
157             Resource seq = getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResource(
158                     attrib.getAttribute().getObject());
159             List parameters = new ArrayList();
160             String pa;
161             String position;
162             String value;
163             List objects = new ArrayList();
164             Enumeration parameter = request.getParameterNames();
165             while (parameter.hasMoreElements()) {
166                 pa = (String) parameter.nextElement();
167                 if (pa.startsWith("sortItem-")) {
168                     parameters.add(pa);
169                     objects.add(pa.substring(pa.indexOf("-") + 1, pa.indexOf("?")));
170                 }
171             }
172             for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
173                 pa = parameters.get(i).toString();
174                 position = pa.substring(pa.indexOf("?") + 1, pa.indexOf("_"));
176                 value = si.get(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(pa))).toString();
177                 for (int k = 0; k < objects.size(); k++) {
178                     if (getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResourceTitle(
179                             objects.get(k).toString()).equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
180                         value = objects.get(k).toString();
181                         break;
182                     }
183                 }
184                 Attribute a = new Attribute(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(Definitions.RDF_NS))
185                         .concat("_" + position), value);
186                 final List al = (seq.getAttributes());
187                 seq.addAttribute(a);
188             }
189             sequenceSet = true;
190         } catch (Exception e) {
191             e.printStackTrace();
192         }
193     }
195     public String handleRemove() throws HttpPresentationException {
196         HttpPresentationRequest request = getComms().request;
197         try {
198             getSessionData().setChanged(true);
199             setContentModel();
200             if (contentModel != null) {
201                 int attribNr = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id"));
202                 contentModel.removeAttribute(attribNr);
203             }
204         } catch (Exception e) {
205             e.printStackTrace();
206         }
207         return showPage(true);
208     }
210     public String handleAdd() throws HttpPresentationException {
211         HttpPresentationRequest request = getComms().request;
212         try {
213             setContentModel();
214             if (contentModel != null) {
215                 String property = request.getParameter("property");
216                 if (property != null)
217                     contentModel.addProperty(Tools.IDtoURI(property));
218             }
219         } catch (Exception e) {
220             e.printStackTrace();
221         }
222         return showPage(true);
223     }
225     public String handleAddNewProperty() throws HttpPresentationException {
226         HttpPresentationRequest request = getComms().request;
227         try {
228             setContentModel();
229             if (contentModel != null) {
230                 int propertyNo = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("newProperty"));
231                 String property = contentModel.getAvailableProperties().get(propertyNo).toString();
232                 contentModel.addProperty(property);
233             }
234         } catch (Exception e) {
235             e.printStackTrace();
236         }
237         return showPage(true);
238     }
240     public String handleDefault() throws HttpPresentationException {
241         setContentModel();
242         if (!internal)
243             getSessionData().setAboutURI(contentModel != null ? contentModel.getAboutURI() : null);
244         return showPage();
245     }
247     public String showPage() {
248         return showPage(false);
249     }
251     public String showPage(boolean hasModified) {
252         final ContentAuthorHTML page = new ContentAuthorHTML();
253         if (contentModel == null)
254             throw new ClientPageRedirectException("ContentUndefined.html");
255         HTMLBodyElement body = page.getElementBody();
256         HTMLAnchorElement aboutURI = page.getElementAboutURI();
257         HTMLTableElement propertyTable = page.getElementPropertyTable();
258         HTMLTableElement valueTable = page.getElementValueTable();
259         HTMLTableRowElement propertyRow = page.getElementPropertyRow();
260         HTMLTableRowElement readonlyRow = page.getElementReadonlyRow();
261         HTMLTableRowElement entryfieldRow = page.getElementEntryfieldRow();
262         HTMLTableRowElement listitemRow = page.getElementListitemRow();
263         HTMLTableRowElement resourceRow = page.getElementResourceRow();
264         HTMLTableRowElement resourceSortRow = page.getElementResourceSortRow();
265         HTMLTableRowElement removeRow = page.getElementRemoveRow();
266         HTMLTableRowElement resourceLinkRow = page.getElementResourceLinkRow();
267         HTMLTableRowElement resourceRowTemp = page.getElementResourceRowTemp();
268         HTMLTableRowElement addRow = page.getElementAddRow();
269         HTMLTableRowElement newPropertyRow = page.getElementNewPropertyRow();
270         HTMLTableRowElement newSequenceRow = page.getElementNewSequenceRow();
271         HTMLAnchorElement add = page.getElementAdd();
272         HTMLImageElement plus = page.getElementPlus();
273         HTMLAnchorElement remove2 = page.getElementRemove2();
274         HTMLInputElement entryfield = page.getElementEntryfield();
275         HTMLAnchorElement remove3 = page.getElementRemove3();
276         HTMLSelectElement listitem = page.getElementListitem();
277         HTMLOptionElement option = (HTMLOptionElement) listitem.getOptions().item(0);
278         HTMLAnchorElement remove4Temp = page.getElementRemove4Temp();
279         HTMLAnchorElement remove4 = page.getElementRemove4();
280         HTMLIFrameElement resourceFrame = page.getElementResource();
281         HTMLAnchorElement resourceLinkAlt = page.getElementResourceLinkAlt();
282         HTMLElement position = page.getElementPosition();
283         HTMLSelectElement resourceSort = page.getElementResourceSort();
284         HTMLAnchorElement removeSeq = page.getElementRemoveSeq();
285         HTMLAnchorElement remove5 = page.getElementRemove5();
286         HTMLAnchorElement resourceLink = page.getElementResourceLink();
287         HTMLSelectElement newProperty = page.getElementNewProperty();
288         HTMLAnchorElement newSequence = page.getElementNewSequence();
289         HTMLFormElement setForm = page.getElementSetForm();
290         HTMLFormElement addForm = page.getElementAddForm();
291         HTMLTableElement choiceTable = page.getElementChoiceTable();
292         HTMLTableRowElement createSubRow = page.getElementCreateSubRow();
293         HTMLTableRowElement selectSubRow = page.getElementSelectSubRow();
294         HTMLTableRowElement literalSubRow = page.getElementLiteralSubRow();
295         HTMLInputElement radioCreate = page.getElementRadioCreate();
296         HTMLInputElement radioSelect = page.getElementRadioSelect();
297         HTMLInputElement radioLiteral = page.getElementRadioLiteral();
298         HTMLSelectElement selectResourceClass = page.getElementSelectClass();
299         HTMLSelectElement listitem2 = page.getElementListitem2();
300         HTMLInputElement literal = page.getElementLiteral();
301         if (hasModified)
302             body.setAttribute("onLoad", String.valueOf(String.valueOf((new StringBuffer(
303                     "RefreshStructure('")).append(Tools.URItoID(contentModel.getAboutURI()))
304                     .append("')"))));
305         page.setTextAboutURI(contentModel.getAboutURI());
306         aboutURI.setHref(getLink());
307         page.setTextAboutTitle(contentModel.getTitle());
308         page.setTextAboutType(contentModel.getType());
309         setForm.setAction(getLink());
310         addForm.setAction(getLink());
311         ContentAttribute lastAttribute = null;
312         final List contentAttributes = contentModel.getContentAttributes();
313         List seqItems = new ArrayList();
314         for (int attribNr = 0; attribNr < contentAttributes.size(); attribNr++) {
315             ContentAttribute attrib = (ContentAttribute) contentAttributes.get(attribNr);
316             if (Definitions.isType(attrib.getAttribute().getPredicate()))
317                 continue;
318             try {
319                 if (!attrib.isInToolbar())
320                     continue;
321                 if (lastAttribute == null || !lastAttribute.getLabel().equals(attrib.getLabel())) {
322                     if (lastAttribute != null) {
323                         if (!lastAttribute.getAttribute().getPredicate().equalsIgnoreCase(
324                                 OLR3Definitions.OLR3_HASSEQUENCE)) {
325                             add.setHref(getLink("event=add&property=".concat(String.valueOf(String
326                                     .valueOf(Tools.URItoID(lastAttribute.getAttribute()
327                                             .getPredicate()))))));
328                             valueTable.appendChild(addRow.cloneNode(true));
329                         }
330                         propertyTable.appendChild(propertyRow.cloneNode(true));
331                     }
332                     lastAttribute = attrib;
333                     page.setTextProperty(attrib.getLabel());
334                     for (; valueTable.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0; valueTable
335                             .removeChild(valueTable.getChildNodes().item(0)))
336                         ;
337                 }
338                 if (attrib.isReadOnly()) {
339                     page.setTextValue(attrib.getValue());
340                     valueTable.appendChild(readonlyRow.cloneNode(true));
341                     continue;
342                 }
343                 if (attrib.getAttribute().getPredicate().equalsIgnoreCase(
344                         OLR3Definitions.OLR3_HASSEQUENCE)) {
345                     Resource sequence = getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResource(
346                             (attrib.getAttribute().getObject()));
347                     seqItems = createSeqItems();
348                     int count = 0;
349                     if (sequence != null) {
350                         final List al = (sequence.getAttributes());
351                         for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) {
352                             Attribute a = (Attribute) al.get(i);
353                             for (int j = 0; j < al.size(); j++) {
354                                 String rdf = "_" + (j + 1);
355                                 if (Tools.getName(a.getPredicate()).equalsIgnoreCase(rdf)) {
356                                     int selIn = 0;
357                                     for (int s = 0; s < seqItems.size(); s++) {
358                                         if (a.getObject().equalsIgnoreCase(
359                                                 seqItems.get(s).toString()))
360                                             selIn = s;
361                                     }
362                                     count++;
363                                     resourceSort.setName("sortItem-".concat(a.getObject().concat(
364                                             "?".concat(String.valueOf(j)).concat(
365                                                     "_".concat(String.valueOf(String
366                                                             .valueOf(attribNr)))))));
367                                     setListElements(resourceSort, seqItems);
368                                     resourceSort.setSelectedIndex(selIn);
369                                     resourceSort.setValue(getSessionData().getStatementPool()
370                                             .getResourceTitle(a.getObject()).toString());
371                                     page.setTextPosition(Tools.getName(a.getPredicate()));
372                                     valueTable.appendChild(resourceSortRow.cloneNode(true));
373                                 }
374                             }
375                         }
376                         if (count != seqItems.size()) {
377                             contentModel.removeAttribute(attribNr);
378                             contentModel.addProperty(OLR3Definitions.OLR3_HASSEQUENCE);
379                             return showPage(true);
380                         }
381                         removeSeq.setHref(getLink("event=remove&id=".concat(String.valueOf(String
382                                 .valueOf(attribNr)))));
383                         valueTable.appendChild(removeRow.cloneNode(true));
384                     } else {
385                         for (int c = 1; c <= seqItems.size(); c++) {
386                             String si = seqItems.get(c - 1).toString();
387                             resourceSort.setName("sortItem-".concat(si.concat("?".concat(
388                                     String.valueOf(c)).concat(
389                                     "_".concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(attribNr)))))));
390                             setListElements(resourceSort, seqItems);
391                             resourceSort.setSelectedIndex(c - 1);
392                             resourceSort.setValue(getSessionData().getStatementPool()
393                                     .getResourceTitle(si));
394                             page.setTextPosition("_" + c);
395                             valueTable.appendChild(resourceSortRow.cloneNode(true));
396                         }
397                         removeSeq.setHref(getLink("event=remove&id=".concat(String.valueOf(String
398                                 .valueOf(attribNr)))));
399                         valueTable.appendChild(removeRow.cloneNode(true));
400                     }
401                     continue;
402                 }
403                 if (attrib.hasInstance() && !internal) {
404                     remove4.setHref(getLink("event=remove&id=".concat(String.valueOf(String
405                             .valueOf(attribNr)))));
406                     resourceFrame.setSrc("ContentAuthor.po?internal=true&aboutURI=".concat(String
407                             .valueOf(String.valueOf(Tools
408                                     .URItoID(attrib.getAttribute().getObject())))));
409                     resourceLinkAlt.setHref("Content.po?aboutURI=".concat(String.valueOf(String
410                             .valueOf(Tools.URItoID(attrib.getAttribute().getObject())))));
411                     page.setTextResourceLinkAlt(getSessionData().getStatementPool()
412                             .getResourceTitle(attrib.getAttribute().getObject()));
413                     valueTable.appendChild(resourceRow.cloneNode(true));
414                     continue;
415                 }
416                 if (attrib.hasInstance() && internal) {
417                     remove5.setHref(getLink("event=remove&id=".concat(String.valueOf(String
418                             .valueOf(attribNr)))));
419                     resourceLink.setHref("Content.po?aboutURI=".concat(String.valueOf(String
420                             .valueOf(Tools.URItoID(attrib.getAttribute().getObject())))));
421                     page.setTextResourceLink(getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResourceTitle(
422                             attrib.getAttribute().getObject()));
423                     valueTable.appendChild(resourceLinkRow.cloneNode(true));
424                     continue;
425                 }
427                 if (attrib.isInstanciable()) {
428                     int options = 0;
429                     boolean option1 = false;
430                     boolean option2 = false;
431                     boolean option3 = false;
432                     remove4Temp.setHref(getLink("event=remove&id=".concat(String.valueOf(String
433                             .valueOf(attribNr)))));
434                     for (; choiceTable.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0; choiceTable
435                             .removeChild(choiceTable.getChildNodes().item(0)))
436                         ;
437                     int c = setListElements(selectResourceClass, attrib.getClasses());
438                     if (c > 0) {
439                         radioCreate.setName("choice_".concat(String.valueOf(String
440                                 .valueOf(attribNr))));
441                         radioCreate.setChecked(true);
442                         selectResourceClass.setName("selectClass_".concat(String.valueOf(String
443                                 .valueOf(attribNr))));
444                         selectResourceClass.setSelectedIndex(0);
445                         choiceTable.appendChild(createSubRow.cloneNode(true));
446                         options++;
447                         option1 = true;
448                     }
449                     if (attrib.hasLiteralClass()) {
450                         radioLiteral.setName("choice_".concat(String.valueOf(String
451                                 .valueOf(attribNr))));
452                         radioLiteral.setChecked(true);
453                         literal
454                                 .setName("literal_"
455                                         .concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(attribNr))));
456                         choiceTable.appendChild(literalSubRow.cloneNode(true));
457                         options++;
458                         option2 = true;
459                     }
460                     c = setListElements(listitem2, attrib.getOptions());
461                     if (c > 0 || options == 0) {
462                         radioSelect.setName("choice_".concat(String.valueOf(String
463                                 .valueOf(attribNr))));
464                         radioSelect.setChecked(true);
465                         listitem2.setName("listitem2_".concat(String.valueOf(String
466                                 .valueOf(attribNr))));
467                         listitem2.setSelectedIndex(0);
468                         choiceTable.appendChild(selectSubRow.cloneNode(true));
469                     }
470                     valueTable.appendChild(resourceRowTemp.cloneNode(true));
471                     continue;
472                 }
473                 if (attrib.hasOptions() && !attrib.hasLiteral()) {
474                     remove3.setHref(getLink("event=remove&id=".concat(String.valueOf(String
475                             .valueOf(attribNr)))));
476                     listitem.setName("listitem_".concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(attribNr))));
477                     setListElements(listitem, attrib.getOptions());
478                     listitem.setSelectedIndex(attrib.getOptionNo());
479                     valueTable.appendChild(listitemRow.cloneNode(true));
480                 } else {
481                     remove2.setHref(getLink("event=remove&id=".concat(String.valueOf(String
482                             .valueOf(attribNr)))));
483                     entryfield.setValue(attrib.getValue());
484                     entryfield.setName("entryfield_".concat(String
485                             .valueOf(String.valueOf(attribNr))));
486                     valueTable.appendChild(entryfieldRow.cloneNode(true));
487                 }
488             } catch (Exception e) {
489                 e.printStackTrace();
490             }
491         }
493         if (lastAttribute != null) {
494             if (!lastAttribute.getAttribute().getPredicate().equalsIgnoreCase(
495                     OLR3Definitions.OLR3_HASSEQUENCE)) {
496                 add.setHref(getLink("event=add&property=".concat(String.valueOf(String
497                         .valueOf(Tools.URItoID(lastAttribute.getAttribute().getPredicate()))))));
498                 valueTable.appendChild(addRow.cloneNode(true));
499             }
500             propertyTable.appendChild(propertyRow.cloneNode(true));
501         }
502         setListElements(newProperty, contentModel.getAvailableProperties());
503         propertyTable.appendChild(newPropertyRow.cloneNode(true));
504         newSequence.setHref("SequenceWizard.po?aboutURI=".concat(String.valueOf(String
505                 .valueOf(Tools.URItoID(contentModel.getAboutURI())))));
506         propertyTable.appendChild(newSequenceRow.cloneNode(true));
507         propertyRow.getParentNode().removeChild(propertyRow);
508         newPropertyRow.getParentNode().removeChild(newPropertyRow);
509         return page.toDocument();
510     }
512     private int setListElements(HTMLSelectElement list, List options) {
513         HTMLOptionElement option = (HTMLOptionElement) list.getOptions().item(0);
514         for (; list.getOptions().getLength() > 0; list.removeChild(list.getOptions().item(0)))
515             ;
516         if (options != null) {
517             for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) {
518                 option.setValue("".concat(String.valueOf(String.valueOf(i))));
519                 option.getFirstChild().setNodeValue(
520                         getSessionData().getStatementPool().getResourceTitle(
521                                 options.get(i).toString()));
522                 list.appendChild(option.cloneNode(true));
523             }
525         }
526         return options != null ? options.size() : 0;
527     }
529     private void setContentModel() {
530         if (contentModel != null)
531             return;
532         try {
533             internal = getComms().request.getParameter("internal") != null;
534             String aboutURI = getComms().request.getParameter("aboutURI");
535             if (aboutURI == null)
536                 aboutURI = getSessionData().getAboutURI();
537             if (aboutURI != null)
538                 contentModel = new ContentModel(Tools.IDtoURI(aboutURI), SessionData
539                         .getCurrentSession().getStatementPool(), SessionData.getCurrentSession()
540                         .getToolbarSession());
541         } catch (Exception e) {
542             e.printStackTrace();
543         }
544     }
546     private List createSeqItems() {
547         final List contentAttributes = contentModel.getContentAttributes();
548         final List seqItems = new ArrayList();
549         for (int attribNr = 0; attribNr < contentAttributes.size(); attribNr++) {
550             ContentAttribute attrib = (ContentAttribute) contentAttributes.get(attribNr);
551             if (Definitions.isType(attrib.getAttribute().getPredicate()))
552                 continue;
553             if (attrib.hasInstance() && !internal) {
554                 String label = attrib.getLabel();
555                 if (label.startsWith("im:") || label.startsWith("pbl:") || label.startsWith("tbl:"))
556                     seqItems.add(attrib.getValue());
557             }
558         }
559         return seqItems;
560     }
562     private ContentModel contentModel;
564     private boolean internal;
566     private boolean sequenceSet;
567 }